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Dialogue with public Administrations and organised stakeholder groups

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Dialogue with public Administrations and organised stakeholder groups

The DIA Group maintains an ongoing dialogue with Public Administrations within the framework of current legislation, always in accordance with the Code of Ethics and respecting all the procedures of each country in which it operates.

The company’s position in regard to public politics is of absolute neutrality, and it does not contribute financially or in kind to political parties or related institutions.

The company has representation in different of sectoral business associations which are responsible for defending the interests of the DIA Group and its associations in different matters.

Trade associations in which the DIA Group participated in 2016:

In Europe

Eurocommerce: DIA is represented in the European Distribution Association through its participation in ASEDAS. Eurocommerce brings together trade federations from 31 countries.

In Spain

  • ASEDAS (Asedas Asociación Española de Distribuidores de Autoservicio y Supermercados) (Spanish Association of Distributors, Self-Service Facilities and. Supermarkets). The company forms part of the Governing Board.
  • CEDAC (Consejo de Empresas de Distribución y Alimentación de Cataluña) (Board of Distribution and Food Businesses of Catalonia). The company forms part of the Governing Board.
  • ASUCYL (Asociación de Supermercados de Castilla y León) (Association of Supermarkets of Castile and Leon). The company forms part of the Governing Board.
  • Red Española de Pacto Mundial (Spanish Network of the Global Compact). The DIA Group has been a member since 2012.
  • Ecoembes. The organisation that cares for the environment through recycling and the eco-design of packaging in Spain. The DIA Group is a founding partner and member of the Board of Directors.
  • AECOC: Asociación Española de Fabricantes y Distribuidores (Spanish Association of Manufacturers and Distributors). The DIA Group forms part of the Board of Directors through its Managing Director.
  • CEL (Centro Español de Logística) (Spanish Logistics Centre). The DIA Group has had a presence since 1995 and is Vice-Chairman of the Governing Board.
  • PACKNET (Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Envase y Embalaje) (Spanish Technology Platform of Packaging). The DIA Group is a founding partner.
  • AEA (Agencia Española de Anunciantes) (Spanish Association of Advertisers). The DIA Group has been a member since 2001.
  • AGERS (Asociación Española de Gerencia de Riesgos y Seguros) (Spanish Risk and Insurance Management Association).
  • IGREA (Iniciativa de Gerentes de Riesgos Españoles Asociados) (Spanish Risk Management Association).
  • Expofranquicia: The DIA Group is a member of the Organising Committee.
  • Asociación Española de Franquiciadores (Spanish Association of Franchisers): The DIA Group has been a full partner since 1992 and a member of the Governing Board.
  • AERI (Asociación Española de Relaciones con Inversores) (Spanish Society for Investor Relations). The DIA Group has been a member since 2012 and occupies a Treasury post.
  • AOP (Asociación de Operadores para la Portabilidad) (Association of Portability Operators) The DIA Group has been a member since 2009.

In Portugal

  • APED (Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Distribuição) (Portuguese Association of Distribution Companies): The association of supermarkets of Portugal.
  • APF (Associação Portuguesa de Franchisin): The Portuguese Association of franchises.

In Argentina

ASU (Asociación de Supermercados Unidos) (United Supermarkets Association): The association of supermarkets in Argentina.

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