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Performance and remuneration

The DIA Group has performance evaluation mechanisms in place for 100% of the workforce. In the case of store and warehouse staff, performance and productivity objectives are evaluated for the workplace and individually. In the case of offices, personal goals focus on individual performance and values and are aligned with the Company’s results.

During 2016, the Company continued the process of reviewing the performance evaluation systems. These changes seek to increase differentiation in terms of merit and talent recognition throughout the organisation and improve the tool as an instrument for the professional development of employees, increasing the weight of the DIA Group’s values in day-to-day decision-making, as well as the behaviour of the Group’s workers.

This past year, the review process and modification of the Performance Evaluation System has been completed. A single methodology has been implemented for the entire company (stores, warehouses, Portuguese Headquarters), with the same principles and in alignment with DIA values. In 2016, training actions were held for evaluators and those being evaluated in the new methodology, a computer, communication & feedback application.

The talent management system has continued to be developed for key positions within the organisation, with special emphasis on the development of horizontal careers, coaching, and the role of the supervisor as a people developer. A leading solution on the market has also been implemented to support the process and make it more accessible and productive for users.

The remuneration policy of the DIA Group is established by the Group’s Management in accordance with local market practices, inflation, agreements with trade unions and collective bargaining agreements

DIA’s remuneration policy is based on the following principles and foundations:

  • Moderation and adaptation to trends and references in matters of remuneration followed by local companies of similar size and activity, ensuring that they are aligned with best market practices.
  • Rewarding the quality of work, dedication, responsibility, knowledge of the business and commitment to the Company of people who hold key positions and lead the organisation.
  • Close links between remuneration and Company results, so that the weight of variable remuneration is suitable to effectively reward the attainment of individual objectives as well as the contribution of value to the Company and its shareholders.
  • Internal equity and external competitiveness.

Brazil has implemented new rules for promotions linked to performance evaluation and positioning in the salary range. A review has also been carried out on the internal mobility policy of collaborators, adapted to best market practices in Brazil. To ensure the job position management system, all Job Descriptions of Regional Centres and Warehouses have been updated.

DIA Brazil has signed a contract with SAP Success Factors for the implementation of the modules of: Performance Management, Objective Management, Recruiting, Learning, Development, Replacement, SOC Compensation and integration (System for Health and Safety areas), with a view to improving and digitalising the HR management systems.

DIA Argentina has relaunched the Internal Development Programme for Stores with the intention of continuing to identify talent among core staff.

As part of the “Expertos en Clientes” (Customer Experts) project, the group of customers called “Expertas en Ahorro” (Savings Experts) voted for their favourite cashier based on quality of service. The winner was awarded a leisure trip to a foreign country. This initiative, intended to give visibility to excellence in customer service, has also given an award to a DIA customer.

DIA China has created new incentives to favour the retention of the most experienced personnel, both in stores and in warehouse, during peak workloads prior to the main festivities.

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