Consolidated statements of financial position
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at 31 December 2016 and 2015.(Expressed in thousands of Euros)
ASSETS | NOTES | 2016 | 2015 |
Property, plant and equipment | 6 | 1,469,078 | 1,372,010 |
Goodwill | 7,1 | 557,818 | 558,063 |
Othre intangible assets | 7,2 | 37,505 | 34,763 |
Investments accounted for using the equity method | 11 | 185 | 92 |
Trade and other receivable | 9,1 | 69,345 | 51,291 |
Other non-current financial assets | 9,2 | 58,657 | 66,945 |
Consumer loans from financial activities | 9,3 | 401 | 458 |
Deferred tax assets | 19 | 314,273 | 271,480 |
Non-current assets | 2,507,262 | 2,355,102 | |
Inventories | 13 | 669,592 | 562,489 |
Trade and other receivables | 9,2 | 260,862 | 221,193 |
Consumer loans from financial activities | 9,1 | 6,220 | 6,548 |
Current tax assets | 19 | 71,087 | 69,474 |
Current income tax assets | 19 | 8,832 | 49,663 |
Other current financial assets | 9,3 | 19,734 | 15,718 |
Other assets | 12 | 8,140 | 7,815 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 14 | 364,600 | 154,627 |
Current assets | 1,409,067 | 1,087,527 | |
TOTAL ASSETS | 3,916,329 | 3,442,629 |
Capital | 16,1 | 62,246 | 62,246 |
Reserves | 16,2 | 261,108 | 87,323 |
Own shares | 16,3 | -66,571 | -53,561 |
Other own equity instruments | 16,3 | 21,013 | 11,647 |
Net profit for the period | 174,043 |
299,221 | |
Traslation differences | 16,7 | -59,773 | -93,683 |
Value adjustments due to cash flow hedges | 92 | 50 | |
Equity attributable to equity holders of the Parent | 392,158 | 313,243 | |
Non-controlling interests | 16,6 | -60 | -18 |
Total Equity | 392,098 | 313,225 | |
Non-current borrowings | 17,1 | 1,062,273 | 920,951 |
Provisions | 18 | 45,841 | 51,503 |
Other non-current financial liabilities | 17,2 | 2,785 | 17,906 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 19 | 44,109 | 3,193 |
Non-current liabilities | 1,155,008 | 993,553 | |
Current borrowings | 17,1 | 180,734 | 374,279 |
Trade and other payables | 17,3 | 1,952,848 | 1,518,843 |
Current tax liabilities | 19 | 85,494 | 92,939 |
Current income tax liabilities | 19 | 15,505 | 4,111 |
Other current financial liabilities | 17,4 | 134,642 | 145,679 |
Current liabilities | 2,369,223 | 2,135,851 | |
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES | 3,916,329 | 3,442,629 |
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