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This Sustainable Development Report provides an accurate and rigorous summary of the ethical, social, environmental and corporate governance performance of the DIA Group during the 2016 financial year, in all of the countries in which it operates: Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil and China.

With this document, DIA maintains its effort to provide information transparency to the different stakeholders, encouraging an ongoing and fluid dialogue with them: customers, shareholders, franchisees, employees, suppliers and society in general.

In drawing up this report, DIA has followed current legal regulations and international reporting standards, specifically the recommendations of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 version.

For data collection, Enablon SD-CSR (Sustainable Development-Corporate Social Responsibility) software has been applied, used by leading companies from all sectors in over 130 countries and GRI certified.

The information contained in this document is complemented by other information available on the website, www.diacorporate.com, in the Sustainable Development and CSR section, as well as in the rest of the reports that comprise this annual report: the Activities Report, the Financial Report and the Corporate Governance Report.

Download Independent Review Report DIA 2016.

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